The spectrum of products for which our attorneys have experience include pharmaceuticals and medical devices, automobiles, trucks, motorcycles, recreational vehicles, and commercial equipment, as well as silica and asbestos. Our experience is in defense of claims and suits, providing of advice pertaining to manufacturer testing, and risk management matters whose goal is controlling risks and avoidance or minimization of claims and suits.
These lawsuits have included virtually all tort causes of action and forms of relief, including:
- Complex medical and public health information
- Intentional torts
- Gross negligence, gross neglect, and malice
- Negligence, non-intentional nuisance and so-called pollution tort causes of action in certain states
- Strict liability
- Fear claims
- Relief claims
- Litigation involving oil and gas, asbestos, silica, benzene, and welding fumes
We have applied experience in lawsuits where plaintiffs number from one to thousands, ranging from individual workers to neighborhood groups and groups with:
- Environmental justice claims, purported nationwide and statewide classes
- Class certification is sought
- Personal injury is alleged, involving complex medical and public health information
- Property damage or devaluation is alleged, involving complex environmental assessment, property use and property valuation issue
- Personal injury and property damage are alleged from industrial accidents, such as explosions, fires and chemical releases
- Federal and state agencies seek to enforce compliance with environmental laws
- Private individuals seek to enforce compliance with environmental laws under statutory citizen suit provisions
Our attorneys have defended cases in multiple jurisdictions across the United States, including state courts, federal district courts and federal multi-district litigation, which have included:
- Defense of multi-party asbestos, respirable dust, silica, and benzene exposure
- Equipment manufacturers
- Distributors
- Contractors
- Premises owners
- Manufacturers of talc and joint compound
- Manufacturers of fire brick, felt, gaskets, and kiln-entry suits
- Manufacturers of motor oil, grease, fuel, and lubricants
- Manufacturers of welding rods and brazing rods