Phillips Murrah P.C. is a full-service law firm with offices in Oklahoma City and Dallas.
We provide unrivaled representation at competitive rates while maintaining personalized relationships that a client should expect. Our attorneys empower clients with the insight and strategic legal counsel necessary to gain and maintain a competitive edge. Phillips Murrah is more than an exceptional legal team. We are your strategic partner.
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Phillips Murrah Director Cody Cooper Continues Legal Profession Leadership on OBA Board of Governors
Phillips Murrah Director Cody J. Cooper’s election to Oklahoma Bar Association’s (OBA) Board of Governors…

ALFA International Member
Phillips Murrah is a member of ALFA International, the global legal network. With 145 member firms across the globe (80 in the United States), ALFA International is the premier global network of independent law firms whose success is driven by broad, deep, local relationships all over the world. Click HERE for an informational video about ALFA International, or visit www.alfainternational.com to learn more.