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Mayor Mick Cornett visits Phillips Murrah to discuss Oklahoma's future

By June 13th, 2022No Comments
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Mayor Mick Cornett

Phillips Murrah welcomed Mayor Mick Cornett to the Firm on June 30 to discuss Oklahoma’s future.

“Mayor Cornett has proven that smart, collaborative governing can bring a city to new heights, and I am grateful that he is willing to take that drive and inclusive mojo to help bring Oklahoma together and to help solve our state’s challenges together,” Director Jim Roth said. “His visit to Phillips Murrah was a great chance for our team to hear from him firsthand about his vison for all Oklahomans.”

Cornett spoke briefly about improvements being made to infrastructure, addressing concerns about transportation, and how Oklahoma City can be improved as a whole.

“We’re going to have to raise the standards,” Cornett said. “Certainly we’ve seen in Oklahoma City we’re making prolific steps to improve measures, and it’s just a matter of addressing those issues statewide.

“Oklahoma City is a perfect example that people here are responsible and willing to seek the highest productive lives they can.”

To learn more about Mayor Cornett and the work his office is doing, please click here.