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Phillips Murrah Attorney Angela Buchanan Addresses Minimizing Premises Liability Risk at NFSI Symposium

By October 9th, 2023No Comments
A person in a green dress speaks in front of a presentation screen.

Phillips Murrah attorney Angela M. Buchanan speaks at the 2023 NFSI Slip, Trip, and Fall Prevention Symposium.

Phillips Murrah attorney Angela M. Buchanan recently presented on the subject of premises liability and negligent activity lawsuits at the National Floor Safety Institute’s Slip, Trip, and Fall Prevention Symposium. The event was held in Hurst, TX, and live streamed to a nationwide audience.

“During my 14-year career, I have handled numerous premises liability cases for retail clients,” Angela said. “I used this symposium to highlight that experience and offer some advice on minimizing premises liability risk in the litigation context.”

Angela’s presentation also included the best ways to minimize risk and liability for each claim.

“I discussed key Texas defenses to these claims, including the open and obvious doctrine and proportionate responsibility,” she said. “I also discussed the paid or incurred rule and how it is applied in Texas to limit the scope of admissible medical damages in a trial.”

Angela M. Buchanan is a litigator in Phillips Murrah’s Dallas office whose practice primarily focuses on complex commercial litigation and disputes. She has extensive experience in and out of the court room and in handling complex multi-million-dollar contract, fraud, and premises liability matters for multi-national, national, regional, and local companies.

You can contact Angela at 469.485.7341 or by email at

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