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Phillips Murrah recognized by Law360’s Glass Ceiling Report for second year

By June 13th, 2022No Comments

Glass CeilingPhillips Murrah is proud to announce that for the second year in a row, our Firm is recognized in Law360’s Glass Ceiling Report for setting the pace in the legal industry for representation of women.

To produce the 2021 Glass Ceiling Report, Law360 collected data during 2020 from more than 270 law firms on the demographic makeup of their lawyer workforce. The report ranks U.S. law firms, broken out into law firm size categories, on their overall representation of women at all levels of the firm.

Reflecting demographics as of Dec 31, 2020, Law360 reported that the national average of all women attorneys at law firms in the U.S. is just under 40 percent. Women represent less than 25 percent of equity partners and just over 48 percent of associates.

To achieve the rank of number five on the Glass Ceiling Report, Phillips Murrah demonstrated numbers far above the national average. Our survey results showed that 42.9 percent of equity partners and 73.7 percent of associate attorneys are women. Additionally, our overall Firm gender makeup is 53 percent women, and our Firm’s Executive Leadership is composed of 75 percent women.

Phillips Murrah is also ranked for the second year on Law360’s “Ceiling Smashers” list, which includes the top ten firms in each law firm size category that have the highest representation of women in equity partnerships.

2021 ceiling smashers gfxFirms on the Ceiling Smashers list are characterized by Law360 as those forging a path to progress and which “demonstrate the potential and possibilities of law firm efforts to work towards parity.”

“Phillips Murrah is proud to be recognized again this year as a ‘ceiling smasher’ and trailblazer in gender equity and inclusion,” said Candace Williams Lisle, Phillips Murrah Director and Chair of our Firm’s Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee. “This repeat performance demonstrates consistency of purpose and continued growth as we move toward gender parity in the practice of law. At Phillips Murrah, it isn’t just about numbers on a graph – but real opportunities for women to lead and flourish in their legal careers and in their lives. We celebrate all of the outstanding women who are valued members of our team.”