Phillips Murrah is a proud Provider of Hope sponsor of HeartLine’s 21st annual Festival of Hope, which took place on Aug. 25th at The Skirvin Hilton Hotel in Oklahoma City.
“Our deceased partner, Robert Sheets, served on HeartLine’s board, and Bob introduced me to HeartLine – something for which I will always be thankful,” said Phillips Murrah Director Byrona J. Maule. “Heartline runs the 211 community resource line for the state of Oklahoma, which is this line that connects individuals with community resources, and played a key role in Oklahoma’s Covid response. But, HeartLine doesn’t support just Oklahoma. It also runs the 988 National Suicide Prevention Lifeline number. The work HeartLine does is so important to the mental health of Oklahoma and the nation, and Phillips Murrah is proud to support HeartLine in its efforts.”
The Festival of Hope featured speaker was Shelby Rowe, Executive Director for the Suicide Prevention Resource Center at the OU Health Sciences Center. Shelby is a leader in the suicide prevention field with a wealth of experience at the local, state, tribal, and federal level, according to HeartLine’s Facebook page. She is an award winning artist, proud mom of three, and regularly speaks about mental health and suicide prevention.
Our Firm is grateful of the important helpline and crisis intervention services that HeartLine has provided since 1971. Originally under the name CONTACT, the organization was renamed HeartLine in 2005 and charged with a new, broader mission: connecting Oklahomans with help, hope, and information 24 hours a day.
Their work focuses on compassionate listening, connecting those in need to important resources, crisis intervention and suicide prevention. These objectives lead to individuals and families who can improve the quality of their own lives, and HeartLine now helps more than 200,000 Oklahomans in need each year.
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