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Phillips Murrah Proudly Announces Mansfield Plus Certification

By October 5th, 2023No Comments

2023 Mansfield Certification Badge Plus

The law firm of Phillips Murrah is proud to announce that we have achieved Midsize Mansfield Plus Certification. Our Firm understands that with diverse leadership comes more inclusive and equitable decisions that reflect the needs of our workforce and industry, and which benefit our clients and community.

Phillips Murrah DEI logo

“Phillips Murrah is very proud to be the only Oklahoma-based mid-sized firm to receive Mansfield Plus Certification, recognizing our commitment to inclusion and helping to increase firmwide awareness of the value of transparent, measurable processes that sustain these efforts,” said Candace Williams Lisle, Phillips Murrah Director and Chair of the Firm’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee.

What is Midsize Mansfield Plus Certification?

Phillips Murrah’s Midsize Mansfield Plus Certification confirms that our processes for advancement and job expectations/qualifications for leaders are transparent. When our leadership teams make decisions regarding leadership roles, client pitch teams, and various internal and external nominations, we proactively consider a broad slate of talent, including lawyers who are historically underrepresented in law. Certification “Plus” indicates that, in addition to successfully meeting the program requirements, Phillips Murrah has achieved 30 percent representation of historically underrepresented lawyers in current leadership roles and pathway activities.

The goal of Mansfield, facilitated by Diversity Lab, is to increase and sustain diversity in law firm leadership through a science-driven method that specifically emphasizes accountability, transparency, and knowledge sharing. Midsize Mansfield Plus Certification recognizes the structural changes and actions we have taken during the 18-month certification program to further diversify leadership by broadening the slate of talent considered for internal leadership roles, and by increasing transparency with written, accessible advancement processes and role descriptions. The Mansfield framework also helps us ensure that we approach succession planning for the next generation of leaders in an inclusive, structured, and intentional manner consistently across offices and practices.

“We will continue our efforts to hire and promote the best attorneys from all backgrounds while creating a more diverse and inclusive environment in our Firm and the legal community,” Lisle added.

Phillips Murrah is pleased to have reached this significant milestone, and we will continue to build teams that reflect the diversity of our clients and community while providing strategic, innovative counsel and exceptional service.