Blocks For Bucks 2022: Phillips Murrah presents $20,500 donation to Thunder Cares Foundation

Blocks for Bucks 2022 logo

The Oklahoma City Thunder 2021-2022 season has almost concluded. Since there are no more home games, Phillips Murrah has tallied up all the great home-game blocks to make our annual donation to the Thunder Cares Foundation.

Since our check presentation (pictured below) was prior to the final home game, the hardwood action was not over. Subsequent blocks were made, and with a total of 205 for the season, the final Phillips Murrah Blocks For Bucks total is $20,500!

Through our Blocks for Bucks partnership, Phillips Murrah has now donated more than $70,000 to the Thunder Cares Foundation over four seasons!

OKC Thunder Cares check presentation 2022

From left: OKC Thunder VP of Community Engagement Christine Berney, Phillips Murrah Director Kathy Terry, Phillips Murrah Attorneys Mark Hornbeek and Laurie Schweinle, and Phillips Murrah Marketing Director Dave Rhea.

What is Blocks for Bucks?

Attorneys and staff at Phillips Murrah are huge Thunder fans, and to recognize our home team’s accomplishments in blocking shots, the Firm is donating $100 to Thunder Cares for each blocked shot that the Thunder forces at home games during the regular season.

Blocks for Bucks began in November of 2017, when Phillips Murrah initiated our partnership with the Thunder organization. Helping to improve the community is at the heart of of our Firm’s mission, and the prospect of achieving that through the Thunder Cares Foundation with such an exciting and entertaining campaign was irresistible.

“Phillips Murrah is proud to partner with the Thunder Cares Foundation,” said Phillips Murrah President and Managing Partner, Thomas G. Wolfe. “The Thunder has done so much in Oklahoma. We’re glad to join in their efforts.”

As the Thunder team racked up blocks throughout the season, video highlights were posted at the Blocks for Bucks page on the Thunder’s website, along with a blocks counter and a running donation amount tally.

Click on the video player below to watch the check presentation ceremony on April 1, 2022.

Why Blocks for Bucks?

Click on the video player below to watch a video about why Phillips Murrah teamed up with Thunder Cares.